Evanston incorporated as a town on December 29, 1863 and a city in 1892. Evanston is a city in the Chicagoland area. Evanston is home to Northwestern University, founded before the city’s incorporation in 1855 on January 28, 1851, and is one of the world’s leading research universities.
Evanston first received power in April 1893. Many people lined the streets on Emerson St. where the first appearance of street lights were lined and turned on. Evanston is the birthplace of Tinkertoys, and is the one of the locations having originated the ice cream sundae.
Evanston is known for its socially liberal politics and ethnically diverse population. Evanston nears 90% support for Democratic presidential candidates.
Evanston became one of the first cities in the United States to institute a reparations program, which offers housing subsidies for Black residents (or descendants of Black residents) who faced redlining in housing discrimination prior to 1960.
Joan Barr was the first woman elected and sworn in as mayor on April 22, 1985 and served for eight years until 1993.
Lorraine H. Morton was Evanston’s first African-American mayor, first Democratic mayor, and longest-serving mayor for sixteen years from 1993 to 2009.
In August 2021, Evanston became one of the first cities in the United States to approve a pilot project providing a guaranteed income to select residents, drawing upon a combination of public funds and a partnership with Northwestern University.