Alphabet Local Mobile Ads (ALMA) is a unique program designed for local businesses to promote their company in their chosen market in over 365 cities and 57 countries worldwide.
There are so many new entrepreneurs, new startups, and new enterprises who are in need of assistance with low-cost marketing and promotions to succeed in this challenging business environment.
That is where we come in with – the tools to succeed – tools to serve a growing business community and other value-added businesses. Alphabet Local is inviting other like minded local professionals to join us in promoting these businesses as advisors and investors.
In addition to local promotions, our domain company, Alphabet Domains, our training program, Alphabet Classes, our local promotion and our ads company, Alphabet Promotions and all other Alphabet Local programs which are designed to be assets to local business owners.
Alphabet education technology is available to all who register for startup business support and our Success-Now high-tech skills classes. The other programs available that are designed to support local businesses include our startup training, job creation, tech classes and more.
ALMA-trained local entrepreneurs have created local business opportunities for future business owners in the country. With the help of local business leaders, the demand for startup ventures and the need for commercial development has ignited the spirit of business ownership in local communities.
In the spirit of many enterprising local entrepreneurs who have come before us, we are dedicated to carrying on their legacy of helping startup ventures.
ALMA is providing more goods, training, and services to startup businesses in every local community where individual creativity can thrive and where self-starter entrepreneurs can start their own dream business online or offline..
Alphabet Local Mobile Ads, our creators, investors, and our global team are always ready to support local business startups in retail sales, clothing, fashion, music, beauty, and healthcare.
Other startups in legal, medical services, information technology, tech support, restaurants, online sales, cleaning services, beauty salons, barber shops, education technology, web design and mobile technology are benefiting from ALMA services. Come join us as we help grow local businesses. ALMA UP!